About Us

About Richardson Media Group

A Legacy of Local Journalism Revived

Founded in the fall of 2023, Richardson Media Group (RMG) embarked on a mission to breathe new life into closed newspapers, reigniting the spark of local journalism and print media within communities craving for their stories to be told. What began as a singular effort to reopen doors to local newsrooms has since flourished into a robust network of publications, each serving as a beacon of community news and insights.

Today, RMG proudly encompasses nine distinct publications, each title reflects our commitment to delivering compelling local journalism, fostering informed communities, and upholding the legacy of the printed word.

A Foundation Built on Family Values and Service

At the heart of RMG is our founder, Daniel Richardson, a name synonymous with perseverance, innovation, and a deep-rooted passion for the newspaper business. Daniel’s journey into the world of media was inspired by his father, the late Dennis Richardson, who purchased his first newspaper in 1983, laying the groundwork for what would become a family emblem of journalistic integrity and community service. Despite Dennis’ unexpected passing in 2021, his vision and values live on through RMG’s endeavors.

Daniel’s path wasn’t solely defined by newspapers; it was also shaped by valor and commitment to service, as evidenced by his tenure in the United States Marine Corps from 2008 to 2014, which included a tour in Iraq. These experiences instilled in him a profound sense of duty, resilience, and leadership that he brings to his role at RMG.

A Personal Touch to a Professional Mission

Beyond the realm of newspapers and consulting, Daniel’s world is anchored by his family. Married to Lena in 2011, the couple’s journey has been blessed with five children: Emmalyn, Elizabeth, Ella, Ben, and Ella. The Richardson household is a vibrant testament to the values of love, community, and legacy that Daniel aims to embed within RMG.

Envisioning the Future of Media

The vision for Richardson Media Group is clear: to harness modern technology and innovative processes to not only enhance the journalistic landscape but also to create dynamic advertising opportunities for our customers. RMG stands at the forefront of transforming traditional media operations, integrating the efficiency of today’s technology with the timeless value of authentic storytelling.

Join us on our journey as we continue to evolve, innovate, and serve our communities, ensuring that the pulse of local journalism beats stronger than ever.

Our Core Values